Combined Insurance

We provide a cash benefit directly to individuals and families to serve as a 'peace of mind' in the case of an injury or an illness

Contact Name
Janelle Anderson
Phone Number
Email Address

Business Categories
Finance and Insurance

Business Description

We educate individuals and families on the importance of personal living benefits coverage. The coverage is unique as it pays YOU if you are to become sick or injured, and you survive. Unlike Life Insurance, that usually only pays your family if you pass away. We are unique beca use we pay for on or off work injuries or illnesses, our coverage starts from day 1 (we don't have any waiting periods) and we cover 100% on top of any other coverage you may already have (such as WCB etc.). We also have amazing Family Plan discounts, the more kids you have, the bigger the discount! Our coverage is also very special because we allow people to continue to live their everyday lives, and not have to worry about how they would pay their bills if they were to become sick or injured and unable to work. We have already been able to help thousands of Families and Individuals, and we are exited about how many more we can help protect financially when something catastrophic happens.