About MNBC

The Métis Nation Government in British Columbia

MNBC represents the section 35 rights of over 24,000 Métis citizens who are registered with MNBC and advocates for the over 98,000 self-identified Métis in British Columbia.

MNBC represents thirty-nine (39) Métis Chartered Communities in British Columbia. 

Métis Nation BC is recognized by the Métis National Council, Provincial Government of British Columbia, and the Federal Government of Canada, as the Governing Nation for Métis in BC.


The Vision, Mission & Values of MNBC


Métis Nation British Columbia envisions a future where Métis people, communities and children thrive. We are connected to our rich Métis culture, heritage and languages; we achieve strong socio-economic outcomes; and our Métis rights as an Indigenous people are recognized.


As the Métis government in British Columbia, we represent Métis citizens and promote the rights, recognition, priorities and interests of all Métis in BC. We create opportunities for our people, communities, and children to flourish, and work to ensure access to a range of programs and services to bridge socioeconomic gaps and increase overall well-being for Métis in BC.

Cultural Values

To achieve our vision and mission, we commit to upholding our Métis cultural values in our work together at MNBC, in our communities, and in all our relationships. We embrace the values of integrity, kindness, innovation, respect, teamwork, humility and resilience.

Read MNBC's Strategic Plan

Kwayes'kwât'sowin - Integrity

We hold integrity as a core value. We are honest with ourselves, our
colleagues, our communities and our partners. We are reliable and
follow through on our word.

Manâcihitowin - Respect

We respect ourselves, others and all Creation.

Kisîwât’sowin - Kindness

We show and practice lateral kindness in our organization and to
everyone with whom we interact on behalf of MNBC. We practice
kaa-wiichihitoyaahk: we take care of each other.

Atoskâtowin - Teamwork

We work together and actively seek opportunities to share
information, collaborate on initiatives, and practice reciprocity for
stronger outcomes. We embrace teamwork to achieve greater
potential for success.

Ahtisihcikêwin - Innovation

We draw on the spirit of Métis innovation and bring forward our
curiosity and creativity to problem solve and develop new solutions
for our people.

Tâpahtiyim'sowin - Humility

We show and practice cultural humility and cultural agility. We are
open to new ideas and recognize the wisdom that surrounds us
from others who carry experiences different than ours.

Sîpihkisôwin - Resilience

We are resilient and do not fear challenges or setbacks but remain
courageous and learn from each step of the journey. We channel
the courage of our Métis ancestors who faced adversity and
remained resilient.