Y.E.T.I. - Youth Employment Training Initiative Registration

Are you a Métis Nation BC Citizen?
Select YES, if you are an MNBC citizen or have an active application with MNBC.
If you are a citizen, please enter your citizenship number found on your citizenship card. If you have an active application please enter: N/A

Declaration of Truth and Consent

  • Declare that all the information given in this application form is true and complete and that I declare this information is factual and true.
  • Declare that I am a current MNBC Citizen or self-identify as Métis.
  • Affirm that I have the right to share and submit the submitted contents, and that said contents are not the property or copyright of another party.
  • Consent to the use of this photograph in any material produced and/or published by MNBC.
  • Consent to the submitted contents being used in advertisements and promotional materials created by MNBC.
  • Give permission to the Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) to use the contents submitted for this project.
  • Understand and agree that, the submitted contents for this contest will become the exclusive property of MNBC and that all reproduction rights are handed over to MNBC, to use the material in any medium, in perpetuity.