Emergency Info - MNBC

Things to do now to prepare for an evacuation:

1. Check your insurance policy for support available if you are evacuated. Most home and tenant insurance providers cover living expenses in evacuations.
2. If you will need help to meet your basic needs if evacuated, create a profile for Emergency Support Services with the Evacuee Registration and Assistance (ERA) tool: Create Profile
- Creating the profile is a very simple, quick process.
3. If you are evacuated, log into your profile, you may be able to access support online, by phone, or in-person at a reception centre.
4. If evacuated and registered, you may be able to receive support through Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT).

Please contact communityservices@mnbc.ca to help connect you with your Métis Chartered Community during evacuations.
You can also register by calling the Emergency Support Services Info Line 1-800-585-9559 or in person at your local Emergency Support Services Reception Centre. This helps Emergency Operations ensure that people are safe and accounted for and registers evacuees to be eligible for support.

***If you are injured or experiencing a life-threatening incident, you should immediately call 9-1-1 or your local emergency number***

Evacuation Alerts & Orders

Do you know the difference between an Evacuation Alert & Order?

ALERT: Be ready to leave on short notice.

ORDER: Leave the area immediately.

RESCIND: All is safe and you can return home.

If you are under an Evacuation Alert, be ready to leave at a moment’s notice. Have grab-and-go bags packed for all members of your household, including pets, and remember to park your vehicle forward-facing in case you must evacuate quickly.

If you receive an Evacuation Order, keep yourself and your community safe by following it.

Choosing to remain in an area under Evacuation Order puts yourself, your loved ones, and first responders in danger. It’s not worth the risk.

Learn More 

Make a grab-and-go bag, which is a small emergency kit that's easy to take with you, incase you need to leave right away. It's a good idea to make grab-and-go bags for your home, workplace, and vehicle.

Learn how to make a grab-and-go bag 

Emergency Support Services - ESS

Emergency Support Services (ESS) provide lodging, food, clothing and other services for evacuees that need them most. If you ever require ESS support during an emergency, here’s what you need to know:

Learn More

Indigenous Communities Adapt

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More Emergency Information