Métis Nation British Columbia withdraws from Métis National Council’s Annual General Assembly

Statement - For Immediate Release 

October 30, 2024: Edmonton, AB – After careful consideration and review of Métis National Council’s (MNC) current governance structure, Métis Nation British Columbia has made the difficult decision to withdraw from MNC’s Annual General Assembly and will not participate in the vote for a new President. With Métis Nation – Saskatchewan (MN-S) no longer a governing member, the governance structure that remains is inequitable. We had sincerely hoped that our MNC governing partners would reach an equitable solution to address this imbalance of power, but unfortunately, there is an unwillingness to create a new way forward together. It is with deep disappointment that MNBC withdraws from the AGA, but it is our responsibility to fight for equality on behalf of our Citizens. Our future with MNC is uncertain and will be decided after consultation with our Métis Chartered Community leaders at the end of November.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

Walter Mineault
President, Métis Nation British Columbia

For more information, please contact media@mnbc.ca

About Métis Nation British Columbia

Métis Nation British Columbia represents the section 35 rights of approx. 28,000 Métis citizens who are registered with MNBC and advocates for the over 98,000 self-identified Métis in British Columbia. MNBC represents thirty-nine (39) Métis Chartered Communities in British Columbia. MNBC’s mandate is to develop and enhance opportunities for Métis communities by implementing culturally relevant social and economic programs and services.

MNBC is recognized by the Government of British Columbia, and the Government of Canada. MNBC is the government for Métis in BC.