Joint Statement for the Canada-Wide Day of Action for Child Care



Today our organizations join with allies across Canada to highlight the need for all families to have equitable and barrier-free access to quality, culturally responsive child care.

This goal can only be realized if the federal, provincial, and territorial governments put in place a comprehensive plan for public and not-for-profit child care expansion. BC’s expansion plan must respect the jurisdiction of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples, in alignment with UNDRIP commitments.

BC’s plan must also include immediate and publicly-funded improvements to the wages, benefits, pensions and working conditions of educators who work in the child care sector.

Additional comments from each organization:

BC Aboriginal Child Care Society

BCACCS acknowledges recent investments, work and commitments to transformation, made by the federal and provincial governments, in regard to First Nations Early Learning and Child Care (FNELCC). On this Day of Action, it is important that discussions about ELCC recognize that the sector, focusing on the care and education of young children, remains subject to colonial governance. These structures and processes are stood up through provincial legislation and regulations, covering many elements of workforce, capital/infrastructure, service delivery, and accountability. Developing and advancing a comprehensive plan for public and not-for-profit early learning and child care must start with acknowledgement of this colonial context, alongside recognition of federal and provincial obligations under Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution, as well as more recent commitments enshrined in legislation to uphold UNDRIP. 

Métis Nation BC

In recognition of our commitment to Métis children and families of British Columbia, we ask that the provincial government continue to build a future where Métis children and families have access to child care that meets their specific needs.

Métis Nation British Columbia has committed to building quality Métis specific early learning and child care for our communities. We honor Early Learning and Child Care professionals and the important work that they do. Qualified early childhood professionals are the key to creating a quality child care system, by increasing the number of students entering, re-establishing, and graduating from recognized ECE post-secondary programs.

#dayofactionforchildcare  #maxof10adayforchildcare #Metischildcare #inclusiveafordablechildcare #nobarrierstoacesschildcare 

Early Childhood Educators of BC

ECEBC calls on the BC Provincial government to implement a competitive Wage Grid immediately. One that provides $30-40/hour wage, recognizes education and experience, and that acknowledges the pedagogy and complexity of the work that ECEs engage in with children and families. ECEBC recognizes the specialized education that early childhood educators obtain as an essential factor to a quality system. We are inspired by the research and pedagogical practices that are transforming our field and we embrace our ethical obligation to make visible and public the multifaceted work and role of the early childhood educator. 

Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC

On this Day of Action we recognize that significant progress on child care has been achieved since 2018. However, 75% of young children in BC still don’t have access to licensed child care. BC must take immediate action to meet the needs of families, deliver on government’s commitments, and uphold Indigenous rights and jurisdiction. ​​First, ensure the latest $2/hr wage enhancement is available to all early childhood educators in licensed child care programs and transition to a publicly-funded, province-wide ECE wage grid of at least $30-$40/hr. Second, expand school-age child care in elementary schools, and plan to build quality, climate-resilient new child care facilities for children 0-5/yrs. Third, stabilize existing $10aDay programs with sufficient operating funding to provide flexible options for families, including those with non-standard work hours, and transition all interested child care programs to $10aDay.